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He turned off the ignition and sat for a few minutes. Bringing bad people to justice made up for the downside of the job. And that’s what he constantly reminded himself. He got out and hoped that in this case, it had only been an unfortunate accident and nothing more.
Two other trucks were already at the scene. One belonged to his soon to be retiring deputy, the other, the county medical examiner who worked at the local hospital. The temperature had dropped due to the higher elevation, and he smelled the familiar tinge in the air that told him snow was forthcoming and soon.
He headed through the thick brush and looked down. Mike, his deputy, caught sight of him and waved. Shane picked up his pace, wanting to get this over and done with as soon as possible. He slipped on some downed branches, and then as he got closer, he saw the body of a man with half his face missing.
“Shane,” said Ted, the medical examiner. “Looks like he died instantly.”
Shane shook his head. “Anyone ID him yet?”
“John Jacobson.”
“Geez,” said Shane. “He went to school with Rory.”
“Shane,” said Mike approaching him. “I’ve taken a statement from John’s two friends, and they’re in my truck. I should tell you it’s Todd Halesby and Richie Filmore. You want to talk to them?”
Shit, two more guys he knew “Sure do.”
“They’re both pretty shaken up about the whole thing,” said Mike.
Shane pulled up the collar on his jacket and headed back up the hill behind Mike. Both men were sitting in the back of the truck. Mike had secured their hunting guns by the side of the vehicle.
Shane opened back the door and leaned against the frame of the truck.
“Morning Shane,” said Todd. “We’re so sorry about this, we really are. You know how careful we are when we go hunting.”
He nodded. It was true all the guys he knew took every precaution in the book.
“Let’s have an informal talk here, but I’ll need both of you to come back to the office and sign a statement.”
They nodded.
“So what happened?” asked Shane.
“I just don’t know Shane. Me and Richie went to the left over by the ravine there. John said he’d seen a deer running down by the side of the Simpson’s farm, so he went that way. I turned, saw what I thought was a deer, and holy shit Shane, I fired and then I saw him go down.”
Richie gave him a friendly slap on the back. “It’s okay buddy. Could happen to anyone.”
“I noticed John wasn’t wearing his orange jacket,” said Shane. “Any reason for that?” He pushed his hat back farther on his head and looked at both men.
“He ripped it last week when we went out hunting, and he said he didn’t have time to repair it. You know Maggie left him two weeks ago.”
“No, I didn’t know. I want you to follow Mike back to the office and give formal statements. We’ll keep the guns for testing, and if I have any questions I’ll be in touch.”
“Miss you can’t be here.”
Shane turned to see what looked like Lacey over by the ravine and Mike shouting to her.
Surely she hadn’t followed him out here to prove her point. Yep, it was her all right, and she was heading toward John’s body.
“Excuse me there’s something I have to deal with,” Shane told the two men.
Shane took off over the hill, hoping her could get to her before she saw the body. But it was too late. She was right there and suddenly stopped in her tracks. She turned to look at Shane. She’d looked that way last night just before she’d thrown up. The loss of color in her cheeks and the glassy look to her eyes. Before he could get to her, she leaned over and vomited.
“Miss, what are you doing?” asked Mike approaching for the other direction.
“It’s okay, she’s with me,” said Shane.
“Geez, I…” She leaned over and threw up again.
Shane put his arm around her and led her back up the hill. He was as pissed as hell, but somehow seeing her empty her stomach and be void of every bit of color in her face, made him want to go easy on her.
“Don’t say I didn’t warn you,” he said.
He opened her car door and sat her down. “You have a something in your bag we can wipe your mouth with?”
She nodded and rummaged through her bag and dug out a tissue. He took it and dabbed the corners of her lips.
“How did you know where I was?” he asked.
“I’m great at getting information out of people,” she said, hanging her head down.
He knew who’d told her. “I guess you’ve won Ruth over already.” He smiled at her. “That’s one hell of an ally you have on your side.”
“I’m sorry. I just thought if I got to see things first hand…that poor man.”
She burst into tears. Any anger Shane felt for her interfering with his investigation flew out of the window. Nothing quite like soothing a female who needed comforting to boost his ego.
He put his arms around her and pulled her in close. She was soft, warm, and her hair smelled like spring rain in the valley. He closed his eyes, realizing just how much he’d missed having a woman in his arms. A whole two years since he’d had his heart broken. Two years since he’d been too scared to even have a one night stand for fear the wall he’d built around himself would be broken away leaving him vulnerable all over again.
He pulled away and looked into her eyes. Those were real tears. He knew what they looked like. Shane flicked one away with his pinkie.
“You feel better now?” he asked.
“That’s great to hear. Are you going to be okay driving back to town?”
She nodded.
“I don’t know how long I’ll be sorting this mess out, but I’ll try and stop by to see how you’re doing.”
It had been a stupid thing to do. She’d had no right going off into the woods just to prove him wrong about her being up to the job. He’d been right. Her losing her breakfast like that was evidence that she wasn’t cut out of that sort of work.
Damn it, he’d been right from the beginning.
She took a deep breath, trying not to remember that poor man’s face or what was left of it. If that was a sheriff and deputy’s work, it definitely wasn’t for her. Which meant she’d have to start looking for other jobs around town, or maybe go someplace else. A bigger town perhaps where they’d be more employment opportunities.
But Shane wouldn’t be there. No matter how many times she reminded herself she’d come here to forget all about the horrible incident in Boston, and that she’d never get involved ever again, truth was the cowboy was slowly breaking down her defenses.
Pulling the drapes back, she noticed that it was snowing. She thought about supper and maybe bringing something back in and eating it while she looked online for a job. She also thought about inviting Shane to dinner. She’d pay as he’d been nice enough to buy her two meals already. And it would be the ideal way to apologize for her stupid behavior earlier today. Yeah, she was slowly crossing the line to getting in deeper with him.
Without giving it a second thought, Lacey reached for her cell phone, and the business card she’d slyly taken off of Shane’s desk when she’d stopped by his office. She dialed before she lost her nerve.
“Hello Sheriff Malone speaking.”
“Hi Sheriff. It’s your favorite pain in the butt.”
“Now I wonder who that could be?”
Even his voice was sexy and made her feel like a teenager with a really bad crush.
“I was wondering if you’d have dinner with me tonight.” She twirled her hair. Something she always did when she needed extra courage.
“Is that your way of asking me out on a date?”
“If that’s what you want it to be?”
“Then sorry, no.”
Lacey heard a purring noise in her ear. She looked at her phone, her bottom lip dropping. Guess cowboys are blunt and to the point.
She pressed the end call button and threw her phone on the bed. Obviously she’d picked up the wrong signals from him. She bit her lip. That brush off had been downright rude, and somewhat embarrassing for her. Yeah, embarrassment was beginning to be her middle name. Her first time asking a man out and she’d gotten not just the cold shoulder, but the frozen one.
The phone rang, and she wondered if it was her parents who mentioned that they’d be calling her today.
“I was wondering if you’d like to have dinner with me tonight.”
It was Shane. She smiled.
“What happened, you realize how rude and arrogant you’d been again, and worried that I’d go drinking?”
“Maybe, but the bottom line is around these parts it’s the men who do the asking, and not the other way around.”
“I’ll have to remember that I’ve stepped way back in time.”
“So you coming out with me or what?”
“Oh yeah, I’m accepting your offer.”
“I’ll be by your place around 7:00 p.m. and be sure to wear a dress.”
“Another one of the local men’s requirements for the women?”
“Nope, just mine.”
Chapter Five
Luckily she’d brought along one dress for job interviews. Most of her stuff was packed and ready to be shipped when she finally found a place to settle and hopefully be able to support herself.
She held the dress up. It wasn’t the best from her closet, but she’d slipped it into her suitcase thinking it perfect for a job interview and was, therefore, definitely not the sexiest one she owned. Damn. It would have to make do. At least she had her black pumps.
She slipped on her earrings while hearing a vehicle pull up outside. She walked to the window and pushed the drape back just a tad. It was Shane, and he was heading her way. She swallowed. He looked sexier than ever out of his sheriff’s uniform and in jeans, a white shirt, suede jacket and matching hat and boots. Irresistible sprang to mind.
Not wanting him to know she’d had a sneak peek, she let the drape fall and moved away from the window, waiting for his knock on the door.
Five seconds later she was opening it to him. He took off his hat and nodded to her.
“Evening ma’am. You ready for some dinner?”
While she was hungry, the thought of pulling him inside the room and throwing him on the bed and doing all sorts of naughty things had crossed her mind and made dinner an afterthought.
“I’ll just grab my coat and be right with you,” she said.
She turned to walk toward the closet, willing herself to behave.
“Are you really going to wear those fancy heels?” he asked.
“It’s been snowing and some of the sidewalk is slushy, even a little slick.”
“I’ll take my chances,” she said slipping on her coat.
“Don’t say I didn’t warn you. And if you’re going to be living here I think we should get you some proper footwear.”
They headed outside.
“Cowboy boots?” she asked.
“Now there’s a thought,” he said opening the passenger door for her.
Tonight, it wasn’t the sheriff’s vehicle, but a black 4x4 that she assumed was his personal one.
She had to yank up her dress somewhat to get up inside the monster, and Shane held her arm as she did so. As she sat, her dress bunched around her thighs. She saw him take a peak and then close the door. Once inside, he started the ignition and turned up the heat. Country music blared from the speakers.
“And don’t even think about turning that off,” he said pulling out from the parking lot.
“You’re sort of bossy and have lots of rules,” she said.
He pulled down his hat a little and took a sideways glance at her.
“You’ll learn to enjoy it,” he said.
She wouldn’t admit it, but she already did. “So what sort of restaurants do you have around here?”
“Nothing fancy, but just plain good home cooked food. And I think you’ll be pleased with my choice tonight.”
Lacey eased herself back into the seat, growing more relaxed now that the truck was warming up. Even the music was growing on her. Well, almost. She watched as he tapped his fingers on the wheel, keeping in perfect time with the drums.
“Did you grow up here?” she asked.
“Yes, I’m fourth generation.”
“And you said your brothers ran a ranch?”
“Flynn and Rory, yes. It’s been in the family for four generations too. Maybe I’ll show you around there someday, but definitely not in those pumps.”
“And Flynn’s married?”
Shane shook his head. “Nope, his wife left him when Emily was a baby.”
“That had to be terrible for both of them. I mean with her being a special needs child too.”
“Not at all. It was the best thing that could have happened. She wasn’t right for him.”
“And Rory does he have a family?”
“Nope, never has. Been too busy looking after everyone and the ranch after my father passed away.”
Shane pulled into a parking lot of a restaurant that boasted it served the best steaks and burgers in the county.
“Wait till you try this place,” said Shane turning off the ignition. “You’ll never want to eat anywhere else again.”
Shane loved food, was almost in love with the juicy T-bone in front of him, but his focus tonight wasn’t on the meal, but the woman sitting opposite him. She’d captured his interest more than anything else. She had a hearty appetite, and unlike most women he’d dated over the years, wasn’t scared to eat. He liked that quality in a woman. She was obviously happy with those lovely curves of hers. Something else he liked in a woman, self-confidence. And Lacey sure had a lot of that.
The dress was sexy and suited her as it clung to her body, especially around her hips and thighs. Just thinking about the glimpse of the silky looking skin he’d gotten when she’d climbed into the truck made his cock twitch. What he wouldn’t give to run his hands up and down them. Maybe his lips too.
He couldn’t contain himself a second longer. Now that she’d finished eating, he reached over and ran his fingers down the back of her hand as it rested on the table. They looked into one another eyes. Had it taken her by surprise? Had he made a mistake? A little too fast, and much too soon?
“Have you got room for dessert? Because they serve the best apple pie a la mode here?” he asked.
He switched to tickling the palm of her hand with just the very tip of his index finger. She began reciprocating by playing with the cuff of his shirt, twirling her finger underneath it and exciting not only the nerve endings in his arm, but every place on his body.
Sexy foreplay.
“I shouldn’t, but sometimes I give into temptation,” she said.
Malone control yourself.
“Me either,” he said.
He called the waitress over to their table.
“We’ll share dessert and make it your famous apple pie.”
“I’ll be right back with that.”
They continued touching one another’s hands, circling their fingers on one another’s skin, and teasing while they kept their focus on one another.
His groin grew heavy, almost achy, and his cock grew harder by the second. He wanted to make love to her. Maybe it was too soon after meeting her, but if he didn’t maybe she’d catch some other cowboy’s eye, he’d lose her and regret it for the rest of his life. Sometimes you had to take a chance in life.
The waitress placed the plate of pie in the middle of the table, forcing them to finally quit playing with one another hands. She put a spoon on each of their plates.
“Enjoy,” she said.
“We will,” said Shane.
Without asking permission, he dug his spoon into some ice cream and reached across the table and fed it to Lacey. She
pushed out her tongue and let him drop it onto it. It was the most erotic thing he’d ever seen.
“It’s wonderful,” she said.
He put the spoon into his mouth and enjoyed what was left on it.
“Better than sex?” that had escaped his mouth before he’d realized what he’d actually asked her.
“I don’t think there’s anything better than that.”
He liked that answer.
Yes, he liked it a hell of a lot.
Shane’s truck had been warm and cozy on the drive back to her motel room. She didn’t have to ask him if he wanted to come up for a nightcap. He’d followed her to the door and without saying a word, walked in behind her. She’d taken off her coat. He’d taken off his jacket and cowboy hat, after which, it had become obvious that the night cap wouldn’t be forthcoming, but sex probably would.
He’d reached out, pulled her in close, and experienced her first kiss with a cowboy. Lacey flicked her tongue over his lower lip, tasting the last remnants of the beer he’d consumed at dinner. His cock pressed into her belly and pulsated against her dress. They pulled away and looked at one another.
“You’re a good kisser, cowboy.”
He smiled. “I do other things really well too.”
“Am I going to find out what they are?”
“You want to?”
“I think I might like to live dangerously tonight.”
“One thing you’ve got to learn is when I make love, I like to take the lead.”
“Why doesn’t that surprise me?”
“As long as you’re perfectly okay with that and won’t accuse me of being a chauvinist pig.”
“Definitely won’t be doing that.”
He grinned and let go of her, grabbed his hat, put it on and walked over to the chair and sat down. She thought about joining him and sitting on his lap, but then he spoke which made her stop in her tracks.
“Stand there and take off your panties, but don’t lift up your dress to do it. I want you to keep me guessing as to what’s underneath.”